The FLASH – Hardcover bounded comics from Herring and Robinson Bookbinders!

Johnny Moreno - Retrenders - Sheldon Cooper Big Bang Theory FLASH BookAs the Ramen crew weaved their way through Big Wow’s ComicFest, we found something that FLASH fan, Sheldon Cooper, from the popular television hit series The Big Bang Theory would wonderfully appreciate. And that’s having your collected comic books bounded into a single volume for that utmost presentation. I would also like to mention that the longevity of a professionally bound hardcover will also help preserve and protect your favorite comics for future readings and sharing. However, if you can’t bare the fact of having your comics punctured and sewn together, they also have other wonderful alternatives!

Johnny Moreno - Retrenders - Bound Comic Books

For information about Herring and Robinson Bookbinders, and how to get your comics bound, go to their website:

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