Psycho Gran #1 by David Leach

pg00On the other side of the pond is this old lady superhero, well sort of, she is known as Psycho Gran.  Who is Psycho Gran?  Well, she was created by cartoonist David Leach and Psycho Gran first appeared in British children’s comic Oink! in 1986.  The cult-hit granny is back in digital form with all new adventures in Psycho Gran #1.

pp01Don’t be fool by her glasses, purple hair and 1950s green coat.  She maybe rude, crazy and a little twisted in the head, but you’ll be rooting for her to kick ass.  Watch out Arnold Schwarzenegger, Psycho Gran has a mean right hook.  Her team includes her purse aka Percy and pet dog Archie.  Creator David Leach packs 32 digital pages with quick Psycho Gran short stories that read like a Sunday newspaper comic strip.

If you’re looking for some British black humor or just comedy relief then you should consider Psycho Gran issue 1.  The issue is in digital form and you can buy it at ComiXology.


Digital Comic Book:  Psycho Gran #1

Author/Artist:  David Leach

Publisher:  Titan Comics

MSRP:  $1.99USD

Available:  Now

Buy it @ ComiXology – Psycho Gran #1.


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