Flash Gordon Actor Sam Jones

dsc_0068Actor Sam Jones is known for playing the iconic fictional character Flash Gordon.  Ramen host Eddie Ballar interviews Sam Jones about his career and Seth MacFarlane’s TED film appearances.

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The Complete Flash Gordon Library: The Fall of Ming Vol. 3

flash gordon vol 3“There’s a charm to the dials and knobs of yesteryear’s imagination, the vacuum tubes and arcing electricity of the past’s futurism.” Foreword by Dave Gibbons

Kids today read everything on their tablets and smartphones, and sadly don’t remember the printed newspapers.  I couldn’t wait for the Sunday paper, because they always had a section devoted to Sunday comic strips, like Prince Valiant and Calvin & Hobbes.  Now Titan Books has just released the 3rd collected volume of the iconic sci-fi hero Flash Gordon.

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Flash Gordon: The Tyrant of Mongo (Vol 2.)


I really enjoyed the first collected volume of Flash Gordon by Titan Books.  And now the second volume is upon us – Flash Gordon:  The Tyrant of Mongo, which collects stories from April 25, 1937 – January 12, 1941.  The iconic Flash Gordon Sunday strips are restored in full color glory.  On Planet Mongo, ruthless ruler Ming the Merciless is on the hunt for the Earth girl Dale Arden and Flash Gordon.  Flash with the aid of Dr. Zarkov makes new allies as the fight off Ming’s various threats trying to stay alive on Planet Mongo.

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Flashback: Old School Sci-Fi (1975-1980)

battlestarRemember the days when a rockin’ tune accompanied a TV intro or movie preview?

Those old school sci-fi flicks rocked!

Battlestar Galactica (1978-1979)

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