Comic Preview: Aphrodite V # 1

Writer: Bryan Hill
Artist / Cover: Jeff Spokes
Published: July 18, 2018
Age Rating: M

In the near future, Los Angeles is a city on the brink of evolution, struggling with a new wave of terror fueled by black-market technology. Enter Aphrodite V: a fugitive from her masters, seeking individuality and purpose. She is the bleeding edge of biomechanics, and L.A.’s best hope against a new enemy—one that seeks to become a god among machines. One machine wants to destroy the city. Another has come to save it. Only one will survive.


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American Gothic Press and Echo Lake Entertainment to Debut “NICE” at Comic-Con Panel

The comic publisher and film studio will be on hand at the Famous Monsters panel to discuss teaser art and plans for the television-pilot-turned-comic book series.

Comic-Con International gives an impressive platform to both television and comic book news, and thus makes for the most natural environment to announce plans for NICE, a screenplay presented by Echo Lake Entertainment for adaptation into a four-issue mini-series at American Gothic Press. [Read more…]

Just Announced: SDCC 2017 TITANS Vinyl Figures!

SDCC 2017 TITANS Vinyl Figures!

First-to-the-Market at SDCC 2017 are two new 4.5” window-boxed Doctor Who TITANS vinyl collectibles: 4.5” “Pandorica Opens” TARDIS variant and 4.5” “Closing Time” 11th Doctor variant.

From the penultimate episode of series five The Pandorica Opens, this 4.5″ TARDIS is decorated in the style of Vincent van Gogh’s prophetic painting of the TARDIS’s fate.

This 11th Doctor 4.5″ window-boxed variant is styled after his brief foray as a toy department sales assistant from the series six episode Closing Time.

Both TITANS are 4.5” and both are individually window-boxed.


Doctor Who TITANS: 4.5” 11th Doctor “Closing Time” TITAN
Doctor Who TITANS: 4.5” 11th Doctor “Closing Time” TITAN first-to-market window-boxed vinyl figure.
Price: $15

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Ghostbusters 30th Anniversary!

ghostbusters 01Gallery Nineteen Eighty Eight with Sony Pictures is kicking off a super 30th anniversary celebration of the 1984 Ghostbusters film that starred Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd and late Harold Ramis.  The famous pop-culture art hangout Gallery Nineteen Eighty Eight will do a 4-city traveling art show exhibiting original artwork, prints and apparel.

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G.I. Joe x Transformers Mashup for ComicCon 2013

gijoe x transformersHasbro has really cool exclusive toys for this year’s San Diego ComicCon 2013.  So you might want to bring a sleeping bag and get in line early at the Hasbro booth.

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San Diego Comic Con 2012 Photo Gallery

sdcc2012San Diego Comic Con 2012 came and went, but here’s a photo gallery recap of the various happenings at the ‘Con by our Guest Photographer and Friend of Retrenders, Winky.

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