Kids Nations Plugy Series 005 Avengers: Age of Ultron

kidslogicageofultronKids Logic is back with more cute-like bobble-head type figures, this time is the Kid Nations Plugy Series 005 Avengers:  Age of Ultron.  You can only buy this a 5-set package which features: Captain America, Thor, Iron Man MK43, Iron Legion and Hulk Buster.  The figures mearsures 3.5-4″ tall, comes with a headphone strap and keychain strap and LED lights on certain figures.

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Accessorize with Modify Watches

Customize the face, straps, colors and more when you buy Modify Watches.  It’s all about making the watch your own and rockin’ it.

EDM fans will enjoy this – Deadmau5-themed watches.

MSRP:  $30.00USD – $50.00USD

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